33 Things You Absolutely Need To Be Buying At Trader Joe’s (and 3 You Can Skip)


From drinks, to snacks, to dinner hacks, sauces, and everything in-between – these are the products I love right now at Trader Joe’s!

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Ciorba falsa de burta, de post, adică ciorba de pleurotus – PrajiturEla


Vă spun de la bun început că și dacă va place și dacă nu ciorba de burtă, dacă veți face aceasta ciorbă de ciuperci dreasa cu pastă/smântână de caju mă veți pomeni, dacă nu toata viața, cel puțin postul acesta Cremoasă, gustoasă și si ușor de făcut la multi cookerul Crockpot Turbo Express Ingrediente: (pentru 5 l ciorbă): 750 g ciuperci pleurotus tăiate felii/fâșii subțiri 50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui 2 cepe albe tocate mărunt 1 bucată de țelina (100 g) tocată cuburi 1 morcov (100 g) tocat cuburi 1 rădăcină de pătrunjel (100 g) tocat cuburi 6 căței de usturoi 15-20 ml oțet din vin sau mere 3 lingurițe vegeta naturală Sare Piper Pentru smântâna de caju: 200 g nuci caju hidratate peste noapte (sau fiert 2 minute) 300 ml apa Zeama unei jumătăți de lămâi Pentru servire: Gogoșari în oțet tăiați felii Pătrunjel proaspăt tocat Cum procedam: […]

The post Ciorba falsa de burta, de post, adică ciorba de pleurotus appeared first on PrajiturEla.

Bunny on the Lawn – Lavender and Lovage


Bunny on the Lawn

Today’s recipe for Bunny on the Lawn isn’t so much a recipe, but an idea with a simple method, it was popular party food in the 60’s and 70’s

Retro Party Food for Children and Adults

Today’s recipe for Bunny on the Lawn isn’t so much a recipe, but an idea along with a simple method.

Beloved of old-fashioned children’s birthday parties, I made and served this on Easter Sunday, as a delectable retro desssert.

Continue reading Bunny on the Lawn at Lavender and Lovage.

Cotlet de porc cu sos de vin alb (reteta simpla) | Laura Adamache


Cotlete de porc cu sos de vin alb si portocala, reteta rapida Felii de cotlet de porc cu sos de vin alb si suc de portocale, o reteta delicioasa si foarte simplu de facut. Reteta video si reteta text de cotlete de porc, mancare rapida cu garnitura de spanac. Reteta de astazi este foarte simpla, […]

Reteta Cotlete de porc cu sos de vin alb (reteta simpla, felii de carne) a fost publicata anterior pe Laura Adamache – Retete culinare

Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins


A table with a pile of buttermilk blueberry muffins, with one with a bite out in the front.

These easy Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins have a fluffy texture, a hint of tanginess from the buttermilk, and bursts of juicy blueberries in every bite. Find out my tips and tricks to make sure your blueberries don’t sink to the bottom! Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins might just be your new favorite muffin recipe. I know that’s a…

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Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins © Veggie Desserts.

Two Huge Chocolate Chip Cookies


Just two chocolate chip cookies – lightly crisp around the edge, and dense and buttery through the middle. They are thick enough to sink your teeth into and just really, really good.

The post Two Huge Chocolate Chip Cookies appeared first on Pinch of Yum.