Farmhouse Sultana & Cherry Cake – Lavender and Lovage


Farmhouse Sultana & Cherry CakeFarmhouse Sultana & Cherry Cake

A delicious old-fashioned fruit cake, today’s recipe for Farmhouse Sultana & Cherry Cake was taken from an old copy of Farmhouse Fare

An Old-Fashioned Light Fruit Cake from a Vintage Cookbook

A delicious old-fashioned fruit cake, today’s recipe for Farmhouse Sultana & Cherry Cake was taken from an old copy of Farmhouse Fare.

It’s a light fruit cake packed with juicy sultanas and Glacé cherries, and is perfect for elevenses, afternoon tea or for summer picnics.

Continue reading Farmhouse Sultana & Cherry Cake at Lavender and Lovage.

Halloween Chocolate Cream Soda


A glass of Halloween chocolate cream soda, topped with whipped cream and candy eyes, with cream drizzling down the outside of the glass.

Whip up a Halloween Chocolate Cream Soda with easy homemade chocolate syrup, fizzy soda, and whipped cream. Perfect for spooky celebrations! When Halloween rolls around, the excitement is often all about the costumes, candy, and creative treats. One drink that fits right in with the spooky vibe is a Halloween Chocolate Cream Soda. This fizzy,…

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Halloween Chocolate Cream Soda © Veggie Desserts.

Fig Compote


Wooden table with a bowl of fig compote next to a fresh fig.

This easy Fig Compote recipe is a tasty mix of fresh figs, sugar, and optional vanilla or cinnamon. Perfect for toast, desserts, or cheese boards. I have a HUGE fig tree in our front garden. It’s so massive, and gets so many figs, that I’ve even had people stop to ask about it and a…

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Fig Compote © Veggie Desserts.

Homemade Alfredo Sauce


Creamy, silky, homemade Alfredo sauce! Perfectly smooth, wonderfully creamy, and paired with twirly pasta.

The post Homemade Alfredo Sauce appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

Frunze de perilla umplute cu carne


Retea preluata de la Maangchi Ingrediente: Sos: Mod de preparare: Carnea se amesteca cu ceapa, ceapa verde, usturoiul,  taiate marunt, se pune o lingurita de zahar, piperul, si lingurita de ulei de susan. Se amesteca bine, se acopera cu o folie si se lasa la o parte pana pregatim frunzele. Frunzele de perila se spala […]

Shiratama Dango


Este un desert japonez, simplu, delicios, facut din faina de orez. Shiratama, vine de la denumirea fainii de orez, dar din cauza ca in Europa oferta de produse japoneze e foarte limitata, putem folosi si faina de orez cu gluten. Reteta este preluata de pe site-ul Justonecookbook Ingrediente: Mod de preparare: Se adauga treptat apa […]

Mrs Hall’s Yorkshire Dales Cooked Breakfast – Lavender and Lovage


Mrs Hall’s Yorkshire Dales Cooked Breakfast

I love the TV series, All Creatures Great and Small, and I love seeing all the food, such as Mrs Hall’s Yorkshire Dales Cooked Breakfast.

A Classic Yorkshire Breakfast from All Creatures Great and Small

I am thoroughly enjoying the lastest series of All Creatures Great and Small, and I love seeing what Mrs Hall cooks for everyone, especially her famous Mrs Hall’s Yorkshire Dales Cooked Breakfast.

It’s so good that some of the actors have over indulged in them, especially Samuel West with the black pudding, according to the ACGAS blog.

Continue reading Mrs Hall’s Yorkshire Dales Cooked Breakfast at Lavender and Lovage.

Creamy Miso Brussels Sprouts


Looking down at a plate of creamy miso brussels sprouts.

Looking for a new twist on Brussels sprouts? Try this simple Creamy Miso Brussels Sprouts recipe. Tender roasted sprouts are coated in a umami sauce. Bold flavor in just 35 minutes! This Creamy Miso Brussels Sprouts recipe is sooo good. Seriously. I could not stop eating them! It combines tender roasted Brussels sprouts with a…

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Creamy Miso Brussels Sprouts © Veggie Desserts.

Dovleac umplut cu carne, nuci și sos de rodii – PrajiturEla


Am mâncat la Constanța, la un restaurant cu influențe etnice un preparat care m-a inspirat: cârnați prăjiți, pe pat de iaurt, iar pe deasupra nuci coapte și sos de rodii. Am adaptat rețeta si am obținut acest preparat delicios de toamnă, foarte ușor de făcut. Dacă vă plac sarmalele, ardeii sau roșiile umplute, sigur veți iubi și acest preparat. Ingrediente pentru 4 porții: • 1 dovleac lung mediu, doar baza• 500 g carne din cârnați (ideal oaie sau vită-oaie)• 50 g nuci coapte 3 minute la 180°• 1 legatură de pătrunjel tocat• 1 crenguță de cimbrișor – doar frunzele• 2 linguri sos de rodii• 100-150 g iaurt grecesc (pentru servire)• Sare• Piper Cum procedăm: Setăm air fryerul la 180° – functia automată – coacem nucile 3 minute. Tăiem baza dovleacului și îl curățăm de sâmburi – cealaltă parte a dovleacului poate fi coaptă separat și folosită în alte preparate (de […]

The post Dovleac umplut cu carne, nuci și sos de rodii appeared first on PrajiturEla.

Exploring Wine Regions: How To Document Your Travels – Lavender and Lovage


Exploring Wine Regions: How To Document Your Travels

Exploring Wine Regions: How To Document Your Travels In A Digital Magazine – Blending photos & stories into an interactive publication.

Exploring Wine Regions: How To Document Your Travels In A Digital Magazine

Travelling through wine regions offers a unique blend of adventure, culture, and sensory delight. Imagine wandering through rolling vineyards, tasting world-class wines, and meeting passionate winemakers. Capturing these experiences and sharing them in a digital magazine allows you to relive your journey and invite others to join you virtually.

Continue reading Exploring Wine Regions: How To Document Your Travels at Lavender and Lovage.